FibaSil™ - outstanding protection against fire and high temperature

FibaSil™ silicate coating
FTI have developed a silicate coating, FibaSil. This inorganic silicate coating reinforced with glass fibre has excellent resistance to extreme fire and high temperatures.
FibaSil has been designed to protect any material from fire whether it be insulation, plastics or metals including aluminium.
A one component water based complex of silicates it cures within 24 hours at 10°C and is applied by spray, brush or roller. It resists temperatures of over 1200°C, is watertight and has excellent adhesion to steel and aluminium.
When tested as a protective coating on FibaClad (1.5mm) over PIR insulation (50mm) in a small scale hydrocarbon jet fire test at over 1200 deg cent the back face temperature only reached 260°C after 60 minutes.
Key features and benefits:
• excellent resistance to fire and high temperature
• no burn-through
• creates a watertight system
• can be applied by spray, brush or roller
• excellent adhesion to steel and aluminium
• cures in 24 hours at 10°C