Passive Fire Protection

FTI Passive Fire Protection (PFP) systems – full protection, reduced risk and costs
Passive Fire Protection (PFP) is used extensively on petrochemical facilities to facilitate the evacuation of personnel and to protect the asset in a fire scenario. FTI’s unique non-metallic cladding products can be combined with appropriate insulation materials to create PFP systems which are industry-leading in terms of fire protection performance, installation cost and health and safety benefits. In these composite PFP solutions, FTI’s FibaRoll and FibaClad are used in conjunction with PIR or cellular glass insulation and Chartek™ from AkzoNobel™. This combined system is designed and tested to withstand hydrocarbon and jet fires and has Lloyds type-approval certification. It is used extensively in the offshore market and by major energy companies including Chevron, Total, Exxon, Shell and BP.
Due to the physical characteristics of the FTI cladding systems, which include high strength whilst remaining flexible, they can be used for pre-insulation. This allows vessels and equipment to have the full insulation, cladding and Chartek PFP system applied at an offsite location. The resulting reductions in health and safety risk, scaffolding requirement and man hours lead to significant cost savings and an easier environment for the insulation and coatings inspection teams. As part of our commitment to this area, FTI also offers technical training and inspection by ICORR certified insulation and PFP inspectors.
Key features and benefits
• light weight in comparison with traditional metal cladding
• no mechanical preparation required for adhesion of Chartek to FibaRoll or FibaClad surface
• FTI cladding systems have a proven track record of reducing CUI risk, by preventing water entering the insulation system
• can be installed with contraction or expansion joints to prevent cracking of the PFP system due to thermal movement
• once certified, the system can be installed by standard insulators and painters – no hiring of specialist application teams required
• allows for pre-insulation of vessels and equipment to reduce health and safety risks, labour onsite and costs
• ICORR certified insulation and PFP inspectors
• jet fire tested OTI 95634