Technical Support

Technical Services – proper installation is as important as choosing the right materials
At FTI we offer a full range of technical services to support our customers. Our key objective is to develop products and processes which reduce corrosion under insulation (CUI) and a vital link in this chain is ensuring that the systems are installed properly. We fully believe in supporting our products throughout their entire life cycle.
First, we are keen to work closely with our clients at the design and early stages of the project, in order to ensure that the project specifications and insulation procedures are accurate and appropriate for our cladding systems. This helps prevent issues later during the installation phase.
We recommend that all installers are trained by FTI staff, and training can be conducted either in-house or at the contractor’s location. The initial offsite training is followed up by FTI technical services personnel, who check that application in practice follows the theory taught. This gives our customers and their clients confidence that the final application will be fully sealed and fit for purpose.
FTI is also able to offer ICORR and FROSIO certified insulation inspectors to conduct inspections of installed FTI products. Our technical services team members are also certified to NACE and ICORR standards in site coatings and PFP inspection. This allows our team to survey not just FTI cladding products, but the insulation and coating systems which they cover and protect.
In addition to design, application and inspection services, FTI supplies a full range of technical documentation. As well as generic specifications and procedures, we are also able to write bespoke documents for client projects.

Services offered
- system designs
- technical specifications
- specification writing
- application training packages
- application supervision
- method statements
- insulation test procedures
- inspection test plans
- inspection services
- inspection training
- post application services